WIPTW 2023 - Update 01

First update of what ive painted in 2023.

A good start to the year, being on holiday and the kids sleeping in, I have been up late and painted quite a few models. Got into the swing of things and found a few ways to make it faster.

Ive found pinning the feet of my crooked dice (and similar models) with metal tabs (after cutting off the tab), has made painting a little easier as its much easier to pin them to the base after painting, rather than trying to drill the hole when painted, too much risk of scratching the paint.

we have decided that for the first part of the year (not sure how long, could be first 6 months), we will play Carnevale, Legends of the old West, Horus Heresy (500pts and climbing) and Warcry. This has made it clear what to paint so i am working on blitzing my armies for those systems and then i can paint other stuff. I am also aiming to get a Xenos Rampant army done and the Pirates of Luna City campaign from Crooked dice all done.

I have a good assembly line of models all ready to go and primed so i can just add another one on when done, and if i get bored of a model or style, i can grab something else.

WIPTW - Rules

  1. Keep track of what i have painted

  2. Can only buy half of what i have painted

Its hard to keep track of the rules due to the way kickstarters work, but in general if i can avoid buying models in general to half of what i painted, and just try to minimise damage with kickstarters i will be fine.

Painted this ‘week’:

22 models in 16 days is pretty good, and while it will slow down on the individual character models (almost all crooked dice models are individuals) i am working on some systems for the armies.
Ive painted 14 Crooked dice models so time for a wee break for a bit, but the next 20 are ready to go once i am ready again.

Its been good to get everything based as well.

20 Block Progress:

Where I am up to with the current block of 20. For a breakdown of how 20 Blocks work go here.

As of this update i have finished the following models - 2,4,8,12,15,18,19,20.

And I have the following to go - 1,3,5,6,7,9,10,11,13,14,16,17.

As mentioned previously the 20 block is a little redundant as i dont need motivate at the moment but i am keeping it as having some models in this block makes me more determined to paint them, rather than just some random thing, so it means i get to paint some of the weirder stuff i have, that does not fit into games or my larger collections. I have the giant bat (3) base coated and ready to paint and then on to the others.

Purchased and delivered:

Ive not bought much this year, i did get some stuff from Warlord games for Dr Who, and Konflict 47 before the end of the year, but so far this year i have bought a couple more bits and pieces for my Mantic Enforcers, and Hexbanes hunters for a cool Warhammer project.

Definitely trying to buy less this year, we will see.

Working on:

A lot here. This year i have assembled most of my Mantic Enforcers, and am in the middle of a bunch of Sarissa kits.

I have my Legends of the old west gang all primed and ready to go (they are next up), and need to prime my Nightlords for Heresy. the last of the Guild models i need to paint are up after the Cowboys.

Stats YTD:

A good start to the year. key as always is to keep the purchases down, but thats the eternal struggle of the gamer.


DoomFarers Primaris Chaplain - GW

DoomFarers Phobos Librarian - GW

King Ezekiel - Mantic Walking Dead All out War

Horrid Housemates - Crooked Dice

AC and DC - Crooked Dice

Evil Mastermind - Crooked Dice

The Jetster - Crooked Dice

Ulysses Argo - Crooked Dice

Penny Page - Crooked Dice

Inhuman Servitor - Crooked Dice

Intrepid Adventurer - Crooked Dice

Jungle Paragon - Crooked Dice

Doc Vulan - Crooked Dice

Fishfolk Devils - Crooked Dice

Vivian - CMON Zombicide Invader

Inshish Vak - CMON Zombicide Invader

Katie Benedict - CMON Zombicide Invader

Feydra Kahl Feydra - CMON Zombicide Invader

Mitsuki - CMON Zombicide Invader