WIPTW 2022 - Update 09 - 2022 wrap up

So a final wrap up for the year and some thoughts for 2023 for my hobby.

I will do this first and then then normal stuff since last update.

Since the last update ive painted 14 models, so a modest number but with the way the year was ending work wise its a pretty good run.

I painted less models than last year but a lot more terrain so overall i did more than in 2021. but i painted a few more complicated models this year and no large army stuff.

Im very happy with what I completed. I have almost painted all the TTCombat guild models and bought the last few to go. Its a nice thing to have a full game nearly done, so I can then paint other things.

I’m about to focus on clearing a lot of my Monster Fight Club stuff before the Cyberpunk Red Kickstarter arrives, and get my Crooked dice stuff done, as i am a few Kickstarters behind.

Terrain is a challenge as i like to do a thorough job and this takes time, so i need to find a way to get this done.

But the major plan for 2023 is armies. Ive realised that while i might have painted 40 models for Carnevale, but they are mostly individuals, but I have not painted a marine army for example. But looking at the backlog I have, none of it overly worries me, other that i have a lot of armies not painted.

Its different than with a game of individuals, because i can always pick up one model and paint it and use it next game (which is great for Carnevale, 7TV etc), but painting 10 Spacemarines is more of a challenge.

So i am going to look at ways to get armies done, for both 40K, Heresy, LOTR, Xenos Rampant and ASOIAF. utilising the airbrush will be a big part of this.

I have my 3D printer ready to set up so thats another thing to learn in 2023.

I got carpet in my games room and thats made a huge difference, feels much nicer now.

So overall I am happy with the progress on my hobby, getting things done and getting in games and looking forward to doing more.

WIPTW - Rules

  1. Keep track of what i have painted

  2. Can only buy half of what i have painted

Its hard to keep track of the rules due to the way kickstarters work, but in general if i can avoid buying models in general to half of what i painted, and just try to minimise damage with kickstarters i will be fine.

Painted this ‘week’:

Mostly Carnevale models and it was nice to (for a few days at least) to have all my Guild models done. I felt a bit of a loss at the time as i have not lined up another game yet to paint, but i have more to do now.

And it was nice over Xmas to paint the Funko marine, just for fun and to get the bug back on painting my marines and this lead to me finishing a part done chaplain thats been sitting there for 4-5 years.

20 Block Progress:

Where I am up to with the current block of 20. For a breakdown of how 20 Blocks work go here.

As of this update i have finished the following models - 2,4,8,12,15,20.

And I have the following to go - 1,3,5,6,7,9,10,11,13,14,16,17,18,19.

As mentioned before the 20 Blocks have fallen away a bit. I started them to get motivated to get things painted, by having an achievement of doing 20 models and to chip away at various collections. But as i am on a roll now its less critical but I like having completely out of the box models to paint that i don’t need for a game at the time.

Purchased and delivered:

I got 2 of the GW xmas boxes, the Imperial fists and sisters of battle as they both had models i wanted but did not have. I also got a bunch of Konflict 47 germans from Warlord games to use for Vlads army and pulp horror stuff.

A few other things delivered, a few kickstarters but the postage has slowed down a lot in December. i expect a bunch to arrive in the new year.

Working on:

Right now i am painting random models, just for fun, I have a bust i am working on, and some random CMON Zombicide and Walking dead models. But planned wise i have some more Crooked dice models on my table, but the main thing is a squad of 10 terminators and a Primaris Chaplain.

Coming up i have the Nightlords to do, and I am building up my Mantic Enforcers for Xenos Rampant and I’ve dug out my LOTR Moria army to finish.

Stats YTD:

So a good year for total models and i am very happy that most of them are based.

A lot of terrain done as well, as i have a lot of scatter terrain and MDF kits to do. i need to get the purchased tracker fixed up but thats on the list.

Next image is what i painted by supplier, with Crooked Dice and then CMON being the top companies with TTCombat coming in 3rd. 2021 was Northstar, Blacklist and GW in the top 3.

When i look at the top 3, I don’t count terrain, but i painted the top 3 for Terrain was GW, Sarissa and then Mantic.

And here is the graph showing year on year for the totals etc.


Here is what I’ve painted since last update and the WIP pics as well. the Fishfolk devils are not based yet so its a just a placeholder photo.

Fisherman - Carnevale / TTCombat

2 Baronis- Carnevale / TTCombat

Female Baroni - - Carnevale / TTCombat

Gondolier - Carnevale / TTCombat

Prince of Thieves - Carnevale / TTCombat

Michiko - Cyber Punk Red / Monster Fight Club

Solo w Briefcase - Cyber Punk Red / Monster Fight Club

Space Marine - Funkopop/GW - painted in my marine chapter colours.

Fishfolk Devils - Crooked Dice

DoomFarer Terminator Chaplain - 40K/GW

WIP Nightlords - Horus Heresy / GW