WIPTW 2023 - Update 02

A good bunch of painting, i got heaps done, despite a lot of work going on, and some late nights and weekends.

I have been assembling a lot of models, so i have projects ready to go when i get all of it.

Just waiting on some last stuff from Mantic so i can finish my Enforcers, and when i get the hang of my airbrush i can get to work on my nightlords.

Due to the Auckland Storms and the UK cyber attack i have a backlog of stuff coming, so it will be like Christmas when it gets here.

WIPTW - Rules

  1. Keep track of what i have painted

  2. Can only buy half of what i have painted

Its hard to keep track of the rules due to the way kickstarters work, but in general if i can avoid buying models in general to half of what i painted, and just try to minimise damage with kickstarters i will be fine.

Painted this ‘week’:

Blitzed a lot of stuff. got my Cowboys gang done for Legends of the old west, a bunch of Pulcinellas for Carnevale, leaving me with a few left to do. then a bunch of cool random models done.

20 Block Progress:

Where I am up to with the current block of 20. For a breakdown of how 20 Blocks work go here.

As of this update i have finished the following models - 12,4,5,8,9,10,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20.

And I have the following to go - 3,6,7,11.

I have really enjoyed hammering through these. the last 4 are on my desk ready to go, just delayed on the giant bat as i wait for some new paint from Element Games.

Purchased and delivered:

I have not bought much but a lot of models in them. I got a job lot off trademe of Infinity models and some others from a combined box, which is cool, and i got Soulshackle on pre order. I got some raptors and a predator for my heresy nightlords, the new Judge Dredd block wars stuff on pre order and an awesome Bust from Broken toad from the Labyrinth Kickstarter, Skek’oh. intimidating but will be awesome.

My Barons War Outremer arrived, as did a bunch of accessories from both Forgeworld and Pop goes the monkey for my Heresy stuff.

Working on:

Assembling more Nightlords to expand the army. Just finished cleaning and preparing for priming all 60 Monster fight club models i have and have the next 20 block ready to go.

Stats YTD:

Painting slightly over a model a day, slipping back as work gets busy, but once the airbrush is up and running i can catchup in some army blocks.

Purchasing is way over, but that was always going to be the problem.


Cowboys - Blackscorpion

Leo - Yedharo

Cowboys and Horses - CMON Zombicide Alive or Dead

Major Sharp and Dolly, Zombicide Invader and The Others

Female Survivor with a bow - Warlord Games

Jesus - Mantic Walking Dead

Gina, Mother and Sister Morrigan - Hasslefree Miniatures

Bane Larva - Reaper

Pulcinellas - TTCombat Carnevale

Not John Wick - Klukva

Hired Gun - ArtelW

Cyborg Hunter - Unit9 Patreon STL print