WIPTW 2023 - Update 03

Time has flown since the last update. Work continued to be mental, but i got most of a week off, and did get to continue painting, but it was interrupted with some crazy 12-14 hour days.

But I finished the 20 Block, got the last Guild models painted so that now i have every option painted, got some new projects started.

Ive started working on the airbrush, im terrible, but its the only way i am going to get the Heresy stuff painted or a large 40K army.

WIPTW - Rules

  1. Keep track of what i have painted

  2. Can only buy half of what i have painted

Its hard to keep track of the rules due to the way kickstarters work, but in general if i can avoid buying models in general to half of what i painted, and just try to minimise damage with kickstarters i will be fine.

Painted this ‘week’:

One cool this of the recent block was finishing the 20 block, getting some Moria Goblins back on the paint table, and finishing them off.

one thing i did then was to dig out one each of a Crooked dice, Monster Fight Club, Judge dredd, Zombicide and walking dead model, and paint them all, do another block of Goblins and then have another chunk ready to go. its great as i love those models, want to get them painted but dont want to paint tons at once. Ill get bored of this eventually and do something else but for now its nice to make consistent progress on some ranges.

20 Block Progress:

Where I am up to with the current block of 20. For a breakdown of how 20 Blocks work go here.

As of this update i have finished the full set.

I need to get a new set ready. i have them almost ready to go, just need to assemble and prime the last 2. Will get the update done soon.

Ive enjoyed the 20 block, it gets me to paint odd models i have not considered and then i get really inspired again, so now i have a ton of cool models to paint. Its no longer as critical as it used to be, but its nice to be able to have a reason to paint weirder models.

Purchased and delivered:

Ive lost track of what i bought in the past few months, with everything being so busy. I did preorder the next set of Dredd stuff, some more bits and pieces from TTCombat, some more stuff from crooked dice, and black scorpion. Heaps of kickstarters to come, so more models ue anytime.

Working on:

Im working on heaps. i have a few armies to do, working on my table for Lurkers of the deep, working through the Dungeons and Lasers terrain and chewing through a few different ranges.

Im getting inspired by 40K 10th and i dont have an army so i am going to try to get my army (Sisters of battle) progressing so i can play some games when it gets here.

Stats YTD:

The year is slowing down, but I am catching up, just need to dig out time. Once i get the airbrush working i think i will be able to get tons out.

I have a lot of models to paint that are simple colours but its the priming that takes time, so being able to get the core colours done by airbrush will speed things up a lot.


The ‘Witcher"‘ - Brother Vinni

Yuan Yuan - Infinity

Inquisitor Joan 2021 - Victoria Minis

Patrician Noble Leader - TTCombat Carnevale

Eric or Aaron - Mantic Walking Dead

Pulcinella Ostrich Riders - TTCombat Carnevale

Feral Vampire - Crippled God Foundry

Bat Swarm - Crooked Dice

Unholy Cardinal - Crooked Dice

Raider Girl - Brother Vinni

Heath - Mantic Walking Dead

Amado - CMON Zombicide

Femme Fatale - Crooked Dice

Solo and Rockerboy - Monster Fight Club