2023 in review

I like to keep track of my painting efforts for the year. being in sales it’s a core maxim that that which is measured is managed. I got this idea from watching Ash Barker of Guerilla Miniature games but he has since stopped doing it.

While painting is my hobby, i find that i am motivated also by how much i am doing, keeping on track, finishing projects, sets etc. i don’t set targets or other sales-based stuff (i leave that for work), but it’s nice to at least know what i have done.

So what did I paint in 2023?

In 2023 I painted 421 models and 99 pieces of terrain (which is anything from a bit of scatter terrain to a full building).

My total for the past 4 years are:

So I painted more models this year, but last year I painted a hell of a lot more terrain, so I may have painted more last year but it was more scatter terrain if I remember correctly.

In terms of who I painted more of - I keep track of the manufacturer and rank them. I don’t include terrain as scatter terrain can skew things.

Overall in 2023 my top 3 were GW, then CMON and then Crooked Dice. GW was a big surge this year, as I finished my Moria goblin army (and so most of the gw stuff is goblins). CMON have been a big part of my painting as the zombicide models are pretty easy to paint. and Crooked Dice is a staple as I have heaps of their stuff and its varied enough that I don’t get bogged down painting the same colour over and over again.

Looking at the changes over the past few years, you can see that CMON and GW have ranked every year but the others are a bit all over the place, where 2 of the former number 1s never got back to number 1, but that is based on a change in the games i play etc.

For 2024, I expect GW to be up there as we are doing a big push into Kill Team and i have another MESBG army to finish, but I’m also expecting to paint a lot of Crooked dice as normal and I am very keen to get through a lot of my monster fight club stuff. and as always i will be chipping away at my massive CMON pile.