Mantic Red Brick Ruins

I got these in the Mars Attacks game, and should buy some more as they are very nice for a ruined town. 

I stole my plan almost entirely from Tabletop terrain - you should definitely go read his article.

What i did different was add the floor slightly raised, with plasticard and used rubble to make more bits of brick. i also bought a pack of bricks from Greenstuff world. they are bigger than the bricks on these buildings but you cannot really tell, unless you look closely. 

So as per his plans i greenstuff molded the holes in the walls and i did the plastic card on the gaps, but went further and did a bit more coverage. I sprayed with Dragon red spray and inked Agrax. i then drybrushed it with Astorath Red, then with Tyrant skull, then a bit with Cadian Flesh.

The floor was a blue grey, inked black and then stippled with a ligher grey and also burn umber. 

i did the usual metal approach on the window frames, and for the door i used Caliban green and inked, drybrushed it and rusted it up. 

I cut the windows out and used blister packs to recreate them, then painted in matt varnish and inked with seraphim sepia. if i did it again i would use less ink, to try and make the glass a little more see through, but i would need to test it. for fund i added bits of glass on teh ground as well.

the dirt is brown tile grout, and i used a mix of green flocks for the cover, with some of the darker spongy stuff and then eventually some tufts. these should create a great building to fight over.

Building 1:

Building 2: