Dads army see off some mobsters.

Had a great game of 7tv pulp on the weekend with John.

Sort of a prequel to vlads army, which we have the player pack for and when we are done with lurkers we will give it a go. After the fun of call to arms we wanted to play again and its a nice break from Carnevale.

We both brought random models we had and I brought my sigmarite terrain again.

The game is set at the abandoned incan ruins on the outskirts of walmington on sea. A curiosity everyone forgets about.

Johnhad the actual dads army models and we used the generic army unit and a stsr and co star. He used the vicar as vip who went along as he had heard there was some spiritual shenanigans going on.

I took a mob unit with crime boss and hulking henchman and my vip William the bloody, who was only there to help out before the invasion as vlad owes him 10 quid and he wants it.

We played the race, and it started badly with the mob failing to take down anyone, and the comic relief made his save to not die (for a couple of turns).

In return I lost my triggerman first shot and some mb guys and just couldnot get going. My hulking henchman crashed into his star and after two tied rolls he avoided capture which was a pity as he had the macguffin. He then used his invisibility ring to get away.

In the last two turns my hulking henchman smashed down two of the guard and my crooked cop killed the comic relief (my first two casualties of the game). But the guard got away with 3 objectives and the macguffin, the Maltese faction. Losing this will slow down vlads plan but we will see.