Full Army Project - 03 - Update

Hi all,

I’ve put the whole project into a spreadsheet to make it easier to track the stages and save me repeating all the text.

this is below.

Major items of note:

Test Scheme - ive painted one model so far. i like it but im not convinced of the blue metal armour. it might be a bit bright. So i am trying a few more options before i confirm. i think i will stick with metal armour as ive never done an armour this way before (even my necrons were red). I like the red on the tabard and gun, i just need to nail the stages and mixes. Same with the black on the cloak. the brass/bronze is good. Not convinced on the black faceplate so the next test model wont have it and we will see how it changes things.

Brushes - I ordered some Artis Opus brushes from element games, and they are on the way. when they get here i will spend a while preppring them with brush soap etc so that on the day they are ready to go. I have heaps of budget brushes from wish i can use for base coats etc.

Assembly - im plugging away, its not much fun on these fiddly models, but ive now clipped out all the retributors (so annoying you dont get enough to do every weapon for the whole squad in a box), to break the monotony. i need to do a full count as well.

Bases - i have the first test base rolled out in greenstuff and its ready to be painted and see how it looks on its own and with a model on it.

Next steps is to continue to work on the assembly and get them all ready, but then i need to store them until they are ready to pin.