Review - Terrain Crate 2 - Trees

So its been a while, between lockdown and work exploding, but i have still been painting… and buying stuff.

I backed the original Terrain crate and have 95% of it painted, barring a few pieces that don’t fit my stuff or are too thin to be of any use (one major issue with terrain crate).

So when the 2nd one came up i backed it straight away, especially as it covers more genres than fantasy.

In the end I got one of each crate and 2 extra boxes of things i thought i wanted more of.

You get heaps in Terrain Crate, so i tend to de bag it all and then try to theme it together into items i can at least undercoat or basecoat the same. In this case it was the trees so i grabbed all of them from the various kits.

Yep lots to paint here.

Yep lots to paint here.


I like the look of them, they work as dead or dieing trees and i like that they are quite a bit smaller than my Monster fight club trees, as lets face it the height of a tree once its taller than a model is mostly irrelevant.

Should be easy to manoeuvre models around them.

Clean up:

Took a while, fiddly mold lines, but a new scalpel blade (Swann Morton Blade 15) made it easier.

Only one branch had to be reglued in, but no issues.


I sprayed them all black, and then with Molitow Dark Brown, then a zenithal with Molitow Walnut. I then did a wash of black and burnt umber, drybrushing it heavily with Burnt Sienna and then much lighter with Titan Buff. and they are done after a good varnish spray. I will probably go back and add some static grass around the basis, but its not needed.

I like to paint terrain like this on strips. This is just after i varnished them.

I like to paint terrain like this on strips. This is just after i varnished them.

All the materials i used, other than the black/brown wash

All the materials i used, other than the black/brown wash


Exactly what i wanted, not too complicated, easy to paint and solid to withstand gaming. Glad i got the extra box of them, and i think i am sorted for Trees now.

4.5/5, a bit too much tidy up work for terrain but paint up super well.

Pics of the painted trees.

Its a bit dark in the garage but i think you can see the point here. They are trees :)

Terrain 20 TCrate Trees 02.jpg
Terrain 20 TCrate Trees 03.jpg
Terrain 20 TCrate Trees 04.jpg
Terrain 20 TCrate Trees 06.jpg
Terrain 20 TCrate Trees 05.jpg

And now for some action shots with Models from the Walking Dead, All Out War. the Hunters. (Barn is from BattleKiwi)

Terrain 20 TCrate Trees 07.jpg
Terrain 20 TCrate Trees 08.jpg