Halloween Havoc - Game Report for Last Days

Finally have time to get this written up. Since i dont play tournament games anymore, i have been keen on larger games, with a theme etc. This allows for more models, a longer game, more terrain and its a good way to focus on getting terrain and models finished.

I also like the idea of random events, so i decided i wanted to incorporate some that gave me an opportunity to paint up some other models so they could arrive as random events. I was inspired by some from TWD All out war, and made my own, to use the terrain i had, and models.

i decided to use Last Days, its a nice straightforward zombie game,a and it gave a chance for Richard to get the hang of the rules and as a preview of the campaign we were about to start.


I wrote a background scenario, which you can see below with the random events.

i used some of my cool Turf War Z models for the gangs. For the Werewolves they are Konflict 47 wolves, i just greenstuff molded heads for the gasmask models. I used my Gang Wars NYC Mollies gang for the ladies (butt they never showed up), and random Hasslefree and Turf War Z models for the various vigilantes, and a malifaux model for the demon teddy bear (who sadly did not show up).

the trick was, that at some point during the game, the gangs turned into Werewolves, oh and i did not tell the players, all they knew was that some of the ‘dead’ gangers got back up during the game ( i had to add this in as they were dying way too fast). Richards comment when this happened, was “well fuck”! thought that was the right result. I made sure that event was only going happen between turns 6-10, so even i was not 100% sure when.

The game went well, and went in a direction i did not expect. the two NPC gangs tore themselves apart and then turned on the players. Richard discovered the big secret in the barn, which is that there were butchering and eating people (hence the prisoners), this became clearer when they all turned into werewolves a couple turns later. John lost a couple of people to werewolves during the game, but Richard got away clean. both players looted the pickup trucks the latino gang had used to get to the game, and buggered off with the gear.

to make it fun we rolled for what the treasure items were as they were uncovered and the players could use the weapons.

i had way too many random events so most did not show up and many had minor impact. The Crow showed up as did Ricks gang (but they got bogged down by zombies), and we had a herd. i was hoping for rage zombies but oh well. more for next time.

we called it when they were both able to get away and the wolves could not catchup. it lead to some good stories for the start of our campaign, and maybe at some point there will be retribution.

I really enjoyed it all, and it looked very good to see the game as i had envisioned it.

Let me know what you think and any ideas you have for big games.

First some of the models i painted for the game (dont have pics of the polar bear, Female Gang, bloater, toxic zombie or dog pack yet).

And now pics of the game etc.