Coffins, Portaloos, Arcade Games and Vending Machine

Time for some more terrain.

i painted the Coffins and Arcade games/Vending Machine for my Zombie Game at Call to Arms, and i was supposed to do the Portaloos as well, but i got caught in a TT Combat shipping delay and they arrived after Call to Arms.


These are a TT Combat kit, that i wanted to use to show some effort to get rid of Dead bodies at the start of the Zombie Apocalypse (as i had not found any bodybag kits yet), and i;ve had these for a while (probably originally for Frostgrave).

Pretty basic, spray mournfang brown , inked Agrax and drybrushed the std highlights. for the face plate, some basic brass inked. I was tight for time when i did them, so did them all the same, but i would do them different browns and some a lot more weathered and old.

I did some with the lids off for more effect. nice simple kit.


Another set from TT Combat. nice and simple, only needed a tiny bit of trimming on the bottom.

Spray painted them Uniform Grey from Army painter, inked them with black, drybrushed with a light grey, and stippled on Burnt Umber, and then also stippled on a bright green, mixed with a bit of the burnt umber. did this around the base to show gross stuff leaking out. i also did the same on the bottom of each in case i want to have them knocked over.

for the Roof, i used Kabalite Green, inked black and then highlighted with a drybrush of Hellion green and then stippled with burnt umber again.

Did them all in a couple of hours, slowest part was waiting for the ink to dry, will add a lot to the games though.

Arcade Games and Vending Machines:

I got these years ago on a kickstarter from Underground Lasers, in my first ever terrain kickstarter.

i have a bunch of others as well, but speed painted these up for the Call to Arms game.

They are designed on a similar concept and size, so i did some of it the same way.

The metal was done with boltgun metal, inked and then stipple drybrushed silver and then stippled with Rust, and burnt umber.

For the arcade games, the cases are black with a dark grey drybrush, and i filled in the colours, inked black, and then stippled burnt umber.

the Perspex bits are just glued in with PVA to avoid frosting. if i was more motivated i might put some foil behind them or paint the inside of the cabinet silver to reflect the perspex more, but these are meant to be old ruined machines..