More Terrain - Tents and shacks

Finally got the bug again to get some more stuff finished. i had minor surgery last week and it knocked me for 6, and took me a bit longer to recover than expected. 

So i spent time in the workshop saturday and finished off the following things. 

On all items i used Tile Grout for the dirt, which was interesting, its really dense and so gets everywhere. not sure i would use it again as if you spill any of it on the wrong spot, its really hard to get off. 


These are the Renedra tents. I washed them with Agrax Earthshade and stippled brown on them to make them look dirty and abandoned. i am considering using some blood paint to make stains to show what happened to the last owners. for the open tents, they dont have a floor, i used plastic card to make them, and painted them the same way. 



These are designed to represent shacks built post apocalypse from whatever is lying around. i used a mix of popsicle sticks, balsa wood, and used my corrugator again on coke can metal.

for the inside floor i used cork. the roofs come off the two that are more complete, and the last one is meant to have been looted as well. 

Lots of rust effect on the metal, and silver on the edges to show where cut.



These are from the terrain set from Mantic. i did my usual rust set up. you can see a little bit of white on the signs, and this is from the PVA. i tried a new technique of spraying the watered down PVA and it altered the areas painted, not just the grout. so i had to adapt. thankfully these were meant to look messed up so its not a huge issue (thankfully).